Microgrids - The Opportunity Everyone is Talking About
The North American microgrid market space is expected to grow from $2B in implementation revenue to over $13B over the next decade, for a compound annual growth rate of 22.5% according to Navigant Research. Projections for global microgrid revenue reach over $30B in that time frame. As enticing as these revenue and growth estimates are, major market entrants are also motivated by a strategic need to be in alignment with the growing forces of this new power transmission operating paradigm:
Tim’s “Intrapreneurial” Approach
Moving an established organization into a new market space entrains much of the same risk and reward profile as a new startup venture. “Intrapreneurship” approaches such opportunities with the agility and adaptability of a startup while leveraging the experience and capabilities of a large corporation. By utilizing the labor flexibility of a consultant with technical and business acumen to guide the construction of this venture, you can minimize the downside risk entrained in permanent staffing while creating the framework for rapid growth on the upside.
A Phased Business Unit Growth Approach
The construction of a long-term earnings generator requires a foundation built upon educated decisions and strong partnerships, capable of evolving to fit new industry developments as it grows. You can choose to start at the phase of development that best suits your present microgrid effort maturity, in an inclusive process grown from your business’s strongest capabilities. These phases are: